Before starting the exam, be certain that you will have at least three hours of quiet, uninterrupted time.
This is your last attempt at the course exam
If you do not pass the exam, you may re-purchase the course at a discounted rate and must once again complete the course material to become eligible for another end-of-course exam attempt and obtain a passing score.
You must take the exam in one sitting. You may not bookmark the exam to come back later. You may not use the “back” button on your computer or the exam will close and will be scored. You may not copy the questions or your test will be void.

Passing Score is 70%
You will be presented with 100 multiple-choice questions. To pass, you need to correctly answer 70% of the questions.
Three Hours to Complete the Exam
You have three hours to complete the exam. At the end of three hours, the exam will close and show the number of questions you have answered correctly.
No Access to Review Final Exam
To maintain the integrity of the final exam, you may not review the questions or their answers after the exam is completed. This is the case whether or not you passed the exam.
Do Not Get Outside Help
You may not consult any books, or notes during the exam, and you may not receive help from any person. You will be required to sign an affidavit to that effect before you receive your course completion certificate.